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来源:整理 时间:2023-04-11 05:55:55 编辑:四度婚礼 手机版



three years and a half 或者three and a half years


2,三年 英文怎么讲

for 3 years.
three tycoons
three years

三年 英文怎么讲


亲,我大胆的给你抱来了。。。 不过不敢抱原图。。 所以,只抱来了文。。。 将就着吧 意义的意,含义的义 The meaning of meaning,the tie in relationships 简单的,拼合而成的,被赋予了感情的两个字 The simple two characters,when combined together,meant so many things 偶像剧中的男主角总是在爱到深处的时候,深情地对女主角说: 你是我的意义 The main acyor in idol dramas, say to the actress at the deepest of their love: You are the meaning of my life 天涯也好,地角也好 Whe ther its to the end of the world 海枯也好,石烂也好 Whe thers the water runs dry 在我的生命里,你是全部的意义 In my life, you are meaning of everything 就像,宝蓝阁之于我,之于你 Just as what SjblueCN is to me, is to you 不管有多期待,时钟还是不紧不慢地走着 No matter how much①anticipate it, the clock still moves at its owm pace 滴答,滴答 Tick-tock, tick-tock 一步一步,一声一声 Step by step,sound by sound 三年,时钟在不经意之间,整整转了两千一百九十二圈 Three years, without notice, the clock has turned for a full two thousand and ninety-two cycles 没有一点停留,没有意思懈怠 Without any pause,without any slack 而我们,在这一次又一次的时间轮换里,述说爱的故事 And us, during this rotation of time, we are telling the story of love 留下,离开,坚持,放弃 Stay, leave, persevere, abandon 相信,猜忌,关怀,伤害 Trust,suspect,care,harm 就像一场电影 Like in a movie 在这三年里,反复上演 In these three years,being shown time after tirne 甜梦时刻,梦醒时分 During the moments of sweet dreams, During the moments of awakening 不断出现的那一张张笑脸 Those smiling faces appear again 串联起这些年的每一个瞬间 Connecting all the instances of these years 如一幅水墨画卷, 在那些记忆里,徐徐展开 Like a watercolor painting,slowly got unveiled in those memories 每个人留下的轻轻痕迹, 深深镌刻在着青春的纪念册上 The light marks left behind by everyone, Deeply carved onto this album of youth 一笔一划 Every mark and stoke 一笔一划 Every mark and stoke 你是我的意义 You, are, the, meaning, of, life.
咳咳..... 知道是知道 但是这些都是禁转的 所以...你还是亲自去看看吧



