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来源:整理 时间:2023-05-03 19:04:20 编辑:四度婚礼 手机版





Be alone in this night The path which I came has been fuzzy gradually



the harder you study, the better grates you will get the lazier you are,the worse grates you will get the more books you read,the knowlage you will get the more you play,the less you will learn the more you help others,the friendlier you will be had played tennis had written a book had seen a bird had had a meal had done my homework I was playing tennis He was doing his homework
The more the better, the closer the happier, the cooler the more confortable, the more confortable the higher efficiency, the more you speek the better your English I have been home. I have told you many times. Have you ever been there? I have finished it. He has said that. Did you go there? Did he ask her?
good good study !!day day up!!
The more you remember ,the more you know 。 The more you knoe ,the more you will forget 。 The more you forget ,the less you know。 The less you know,the harder you should study 。 The harder you study ,the more you will know。
It is 3 years since i leave the scool i was playing football at 3 yesterday



