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来源:整理 时间:2023-12-30 23:25:32 编辑:婚礼策划 手机版



大红的花朵彩虹桥摆在偌大的饭店前,大厅金碧辉煌,华丽的灯光照射在婚礼现场,把地板映得熠熠生辉。门外前来参加婚礼的车辆鳞次栉比,更是凸显华贵气息。 自己写的,网上没找到。


2,A wedding 作文

Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize

A wedding 作文


[吃喜酒作文] 吃喜酒 今天,我爸爸的一个同事要举行婚礼,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去了,吃喜酒作文。婚礼上,新郎、新娘不停的在鞠躬、磕头什么、什么的,真麻烦! 吃饭时,妈妈把我的可乐碰翻了,一会儿,我自己又把自己的可乐碰翻了,真好玩;吃完饭,新郎的妈妈给了我一大瓶橙汁,还给了我一大把喜糖,太好了!吃喜酒作文100字小学生作文频道,小学二年级作文《吃喜酒作文》。
[吃喜酒作文] 今天,妈妈带我去吃喜酒,我和妈妈在第一桌,坐在桌上有阿畅础扳飞殖读帮嫂爆讥姨,有小朋友,还有叔叔在一起吃饭,一样一样的菜端上来了,我最喜欢吃猪耳朵,还有基围虾,我们小朋友把好吃的基围虾全部把它分给了我们,我们还喝了可乐,吃的饭和喝的饮喜事,作文,喜酒[吃喜酒作文] 今天,妈妈带我去吃喜酒,我和妈妈在第一桌,坐在桌上有阿姨,有小朋友,还有叔叔在一起吃饭,一样一样的菜端上来了,我最喜欢吃猪耳朵,还有基围虾,我们小朋友把好吃的基围虾全部把它分给了我们,我们还喝了可乐,吃的饭和喝的饮


4,上册 结婚典礼 的作文怎么写

的作文 周五晚上妈妈对我说:“明天是你世林叔叔的婚礼,早点睡,明天早上六点从家出发。”我得意洋洋地换好睡衣,呼呼大睡。早上的空气真好,一起来都已经6点了,我手忙脚乱地穿好衣服出发了。 很快,我们就顺利地到达了新郎家,一进去,我的眼睛完全被我站到的地方所惊呆了,那里金碧辉煌,有的人正在焦急地等待着新娘的到来,有的人正在包饺子,有的人正在接待客人。时间一分一秒地过去了,10点新娘花车到了。新娘美丽、纯洁。水灵灵杏核那么大的眼睛。身穿婚纱,像白雪公主一样漂亮。大家你推我搡,争先恐后地看着这位美丽的新娘,大家讨论者,急忙赶往酒店,在这一路上我们说说笑笑,大家都很开心。 到了酒店门口,那里人山人海、水泄不通,但婚礼马上开始了,我钻了一个小空,到了大厅中央,观看了整个场面。婚礼开始了,我看见新郎和新娘手牵着手,漫步在幸福的殿堂里,那是一个多么浪漫的时刻,掌声一片,在主持人精彩的演讲后,双方互换了定情物。双方父母流下了祝福的泪水,他们觉得两个孩子以后会得到永久的幸福,放心地把宝贵的孩子交给彼此。我相信,他们今天肯定太难忘了,主持人给他们每人一杯葡萄酒,作为一个永远的回忆。这次婚礼开展得非常成功,大家都满载而归。 我想,如果没有他们对彼此的信任,也就不会用他们的一生来换这难以忘怀的时刻!


My Cousins Wedding Last week, I attended my cousins wedding with my mother. Our relationship is very close. She always looked after me, treated me well when I was a wimpy kid. So, seeing she got married, I was very happy for her. When we reached, the first thing I saw from her was her happy smile. She was the most beautiful girl in the world at that time. Wearing wedding white dress made her look more delicate and attractive. I hoped she would be happy forever. I would like to give my best wishes to her, my dearest sister.
一场婚礼 a weddingtoday is my sisters wedding. i take part in it with my parents. we get to the hotel at about 6:00 p.m.. my sister and her husband is waiting for the guests in front of the lobby. she is so beautiful today that i have never seen. of course her husband is handsome, too. i met him before, and he is so kind to me. the ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m.. they exchange their rings and vows and thank for their parents. and then we enjoy the wedding feast. the dishes are so delicious that i eat too much. i show my best wishes to them, hoping their love last forever and a happy life.

