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来源:整理 时间:2023-11-20 00:20:36 编辑:婚礼策划 手机版





2, 寻求婚礼现场的电影片段 紧急

你好!美国派3 美国婚礼里面有一些情节(不过我记不太清了)如果对你有帮助,望采纳。记得给问豆啊!
美国派3 美国婚礼里面有一些情节(不过我记不太清了)

 寻求婚礼现场的电影片段  紧急





《杀死比尔》(Kill Bill)。美国动作片,由昆廷·特拉蒂诺 Quentin Tarantino 导演,主演:Uma Thurman,Vivica A,Fox,Daryl Hannah,David Carradine。新娘(乌玛·瑟曼饰)曾经是致命毒蛇暗杀小组(D.I.V.A.S)的一员,企图通过结婚脱离血腥的生活。但是她的前同僚(汉纳、刘玉玲、薇薇卡·A·福克斯、迈克尔·马德森等人扮演)以及所有人的老板比尔(大卫·卡拉丁饰)的到来破坏了这一切。“比尔,”新娘请求说,“我怀孕了,是你的孩子。”但是回答她的是“砰”的一声枪响!4年后她在一家医院醒来,就立刻开始着手一次从得克萨斯到冲绳、东京以及墨西哥的复仇之旅,为了一个目标她要大开杀戒。“当我到达目的地之后,我将杀死比尔。”


Arrival and seating of the guest   宾客到场  Light candelabra (From this point on, things start to get more serious)   点蜡烛  The Groom comes out   新郎出场  The Brides procession   新娘出场Train : 1、Groomsmen and bridesmaids   伴郎和伴娘成双成对出场  队伍顺序 2、maid of honor   捧花的主伴娘  3、ring bearer and flower girl   持婚戒的小童和花童  4、brides father take her daughter   新娘挽父出场  The minister conducts the ceremony:  Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now (for several minutes). Then let us continue. ****, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, till death do you part?  (Always) Bride: yes I do! ...Arrival and seating of the guest   宾客到场  Light candelabra (From this point on, things start to get more serious)   点蜡烛  The Groom comes out   新郎出场  The Brides procession   新娘出场Train : 1、Groomsmen and bridesmaids   伴郎和伴娘成双成对出场  队伍顺序 2、maid of honor   捧花的主伴娘  3、ring bearer and flower girl   持婚戒的小童和花童  4、brides father take her daughter   新娘挽父出场  The minister conducts the ceremony:  Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now (for several minutes). Then let us continue. ****, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, till death do you part?  (Always) Bride: yes I do!  The same word to ask the Groom, and the Groom says yes I do! (if no accident)  Exchange of wedding vow and ring   The minister says :"Please exchange your rings.  now by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you are husband and wife.   结婚誓词宣读和交换戒指  End of the ceremonyThe guest arrive   宾客入席  The Bride and Groom arrive   新人入席  Toast   敬酒祝福  Dancing 跳舞  1、 Howlyweds first dance   新人跳第一支舞  2、The Bride dancing with Grooms father   新娘和新郎的父亲跳舞  The Groom dancing with Brides mother   新郎和新娘的母亲跳舞  The cake cutting ceremony   切蛋糕  Entertainment 欢乐时光  The Bride throws the Bonquet   新娘扔捧花  The Groom throws the Garter   新郎扔新娘今天所穿的吊袜带  Newlywed games 新人的游戏  The Wedding Reception End  新郎扔新娘今天所穿的吊袜带---打到谁谁就会是下一个新郎,通常此时未婚男子都跑没影了。  美是传统婚礼上的新娘的4样东西:  Something old:新娘戴上母亲或是祖母传承的旧物,代表代代相传,延续前人美满。  Something new:新娘穿上新的礼服和鞋子,代表面对全新的人生。  Something borrow: 新娘多向婚姻美满的亲友借来的物品,代表分享别人的美满,祈求幸福。  Something blue:蓝色代表纯洁和忠贞。  A silver six pence 六便士银币已经被一便士取代,放于鞋内,代表财运。
32=16×2 √32=√16×√2=4×√2=4√2
