1. Introduction- 简介

2. English Wedding Blessing - 英文婚礼祝福语
2.1 "Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world and congratulations on your wedding day!" - "祝你们全世界的爱和幸福,恭喜你们结婚!"
2.2 "May your love continue to shine brighter with each passing year. Congratulations on your wedding!" - "愿你们的爱随着岁月的推移继续发光发亮。祝贺你们结婚!"
2.3 "May you have a beautiful marriage filled with love and joy. Congratulations on your wedding day!" - "愿你们拥有美满幸福的婚姻,充满爱和快乐。祝贺你们结婚!"
2.4 "Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful wedding day!" - "祝愿你们拥有终身的爱与幸福。恭喜你们,祝你们美好的婚礼!"
3. Translation - 中文翻译
3.1 “May the joy you feel on your wedding day stay with you for a lifetime.”- “愿你们结婚那天的喜悦陪伴你们一辈子。”
3.2 “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” - “幸福的婚姻就像一次长谈,总觉得时间过得太快。”
3.3 “You may be two individuals but you are one soul that has found its mate. Congratulations on your wedding day!” – “你们也许是两个独立的个体,但你们是彼此心灵相通的灵魂伴侣。祝你们结婚快乐!”
3.4 “May your love story be as magical and enchanting as in fairy tales. Congratulations on your wedding day!” – “愿你们的爱情故事像童话般魔幻迷人。恭喜你们结婚!”
4. Conclusion - 结论