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来源:转载 时间:2023-05-15 00:21:46 编辑:婚礼定制 手机版


1. Introduction

Love is a beautiful feeling that can make us feel alive. It can be intimidating to confess our feelings to someone, especially when we fear rejection. But when we finally pluck up the courage to declare our love, it can be an exhilarating experience. This is the story of my confession to the person I love and how it was received with open arms.

1. Introduction

2. The Confession

It was a late night, and I couldn't stop thinking about the person who had captured my heart. I decided to message them, and we began chatting about our day. As we talked, I found myself pouring my heart out to them. I told them how much they meant to me and how deeply I cared for them. I must admit that I was nervous about their response and waited on tenterhooks for their reply.

3. The Response

Minutes passed, and it felt like an eternity. Finally, their message arrived, and I could feel my heart race with anticipation. To my immense joy, they had reciprocated my feelings! They had always harboured feelings for me too but were too afraid to confess. We both were over the moon to have found love in each other's arms.

4. The Future

Now that we have confessed our love, our relationship has entered a new phase. We are both excited to explore this new chapter in our lives and see where it takes us. We both feel grateful for the love and support we have in each other, and we know that we can conquer any obstacle that comes our way. Our newfound love has given us a new lease on life, and we are excited to see where it takes us.


